Nija Slayers, From Dawn to Dusk, A Documentary (2004)
Follow two mortal enemies, a Ninja Master and a Soldier of Fortune, through their workaday routines before they confront each other in glorious combat.
Running time: 7 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett and Mike Harris | Featuring: Mike Harris, Chris Raglin, Wyatt Hatfield, Michele Bisnett, Sara Ramsey, Andrew Ramsey |
Cheer Up, Emo-Bot (2004)
A reject from the Punk Rock Robotics factory, Emo-Bot speaks softly but carries a big directed energy weapon system. A musically inclined morality play for the hipster generation. Or something like that.
Made as an intro for the Robotmedia Davis VIII Showcase.
Running time: 4 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Sara Ramsey, Adam Burgett, Jeff Wang |
"As Icarus Fell" Music Video (2004)
Totally under appreciated (totally!) performance video featuring Davis hardcore band Unless. It was filmed in a garage and has no plot. Though you get to see Radish's veins popping out of his neck.
Running time: 3 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Unless |
Robotmedia Davis VI Intro (2004)
Student gets blasted by giant robot for irresponsible cell phone use.
It's the rite of blood and electricity.
Running time: 1 minute | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Matt Dolan |
Sleepless on Sycamore (2003)
Animation. An ordinary apartment tenant is driven over the edge of madness by car alarms and his asshole neighbors.
At least somewhat partially based on actual events.
Running time: 4 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Adam Burgett, Matt Dolan, Joe Conte |
"Champagne" Music Video (2002)
Based on 311's "Champagne", the video tells a story of a guy leaving his needy and materialistic girl. But is he seeing things clearly?
Running time: 3 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett and Mike Harris | Featuring: Mike Harris, Sheena Watt, Matt Dolan |
Light and Fire: An Experimental Piece (2001)
Screwing around testing various computer generated special effects.
Worth watching for the "Girl O Fire".
Running time: 2 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett and Mike Harris | Featuring: Mike Harris, Adam Burgett, Jessica Love |
The Sun God (2001)
Possibly psychotic man claiming to be Ra runs through small town pursued by federal agents. Made four months before 9/11.
Running time: 4 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Mark Violetti, Travis Rougier-Miller, Matt Dolan, Sara Ramsey, Mike Harris, Karen Stone |
The Faketrix (2000)
Nerstone's bid for a Matrix spoof. Made mostly to test special effects.
Running time: 2 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett and Mike Harris | Featuring: Mike Harris, Adam Burgett |
Carraterra '76 (2000)
Spanish language movie about two crime fighters on the trail of two murderous bandits. A tale of justice and revenge, featuring a period soundtrack.
Running time: 16 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Mike Harris, Adam Burgett, Matt Dolan, Chris Raglin, Sara Ramsey, Michele Bisnett |
"Pepper" Music Video (1999)
Based on the Butthole Surfers' "Pepper", the video is a symbolic expression of unrequited love and self-destruction. Or an exercise in randomness. Depending on how you look at it.
Running time: 5 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Mike Harris, Adam Burgett, Trevor Ewald, Annikah Peabody, Sara Ramsey, Matt Dolan |
Hidden Secrets, Lies, Fiction and Other Things That Aren't True (1999)
A television program probing the mysterious lives of two of Red Bluff High School's most interesting teachers. And it's all true. Every word.
Running time: 9 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett and Mike Harris | Featuring: Adam Burgett, Mike Harris, Matt Dolan, Dwight Evans, Pat Gleason |
Two Guys, a TV, and a VCR (1999)
Film critics Richard Crowder and Dan Brock take on renegade director Nick Glinkman, the best or worst filmmaker alive.
Running time: 7 minutes (of death) | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Adam Burgett, Matt Dolan, Mike Harris |
Night of the Nija Slayers (1999)
Required history for a proper understanding of Nerstone Pictures. A Soldier of Fortune tracks a mystical ninja, unaware he himself is being tracked. Ends in death, naturally.
Running time: 4 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett and Mike Harris | Featuring: Adam Burgett, Mike Harris, The Branch |
Second Chance to Find More (1998)
The second movie made under the name of Nerstone Pictures, and the first where people are being shot and killed.
So began a long, violent history.
Running time: 5 minutes | Director: Adam Burgett | Featuring: Mike Harris, Adam Burgett, Matt Dolan |